Selfie Sunday 003 :: [jit.bfg] Funhouse Mirror
Collab Alliance (Season One) Video Clip
Spectral ONE Released! :: visual devices for Ableton Live
proceduralGeometry.share :: Jitter Patch Share
Mesh Vocoder :: Preview
Max Patch Share :: Glitchface
Selfie Sunday 002 :: Webcam to ASCII
Vik Viz :: Woulg – Thin Veil – FFT Christmas Tree
To bring in the festive spirit, I made an audio reactive Christmas tree in Jitter, and made it dance to Woulg’s “Thin Veil”.
Selfie Sunday 001 :: [] displacement tutorial
Mesh Thinger Prototype
Mesh Thinger is a 3D sonogram, with the addition of webcam input, and a wave generator. These three components can be mixed together to generate
GLOO Preview // frequency isolated sidechaining
I’m using the SA64 Spectrum Analyser device with the 8×8 mapping device to automate the sends of a static bassline sound. Send A is